Barbeque – Shillong
Barbeque is a very old and possibly the best eatery in Police Bazaar , the heart of Shillong . And this article is our take on this awesome restaurant .

Barbeque is basically a Chinese restaurant . And the chefs really do it well . The food is low on spices and use mostly local ingredients . All though they cook everything quite well , we loved their pork the most . If you eat pork , do mot miss out their ” Pork in Red Wine Sauce ” . The quality of their food can be judged from the fact that almost every time we went , we had to wait for someone to finish their food to get a seat .
Barbeque has that typical ambiance of a Chinese eatery . Low soft lighting , Chinese like portraits and few decorations on the walls . Its a small place which has been used quite efficiently for accommodating maximum number of people . Sitting arrangements are quite good for this place .
Service is very efficient but due to the large number of customers , you may have to wait for sometime till your order gets delivered . The waiters know Assamese and Hindi alongside their local language , so ordering should not be a problem to anyone . And the person taking the order usually knows all the details of the dish , so if you are not sure about anything , ask him to be sure . Overall the people of Barbeque are quite well behaved and responsive .
TripAdvisor : Barbeque